April 2013

Lucid Dreamer

The long process is soon getting to its end. Or if you prefer, to the beginning.

Now the mix is done, next week the album will be mastered and ready for production.

Once again I am working with Dirk Rudolph the album artwork and he will nail it soon. You can expect, as before, beautiful photos, maybe more shocking this time 😉

This album took me to several places in the last 2 years, but nothing compared to where it will take us for promotion and touring.


And a new song title: Lucid Dreamer

With Love, Tarja

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new song title

Another beautiful day in Austin. We are making progress everyday with Tim.

Orchestras, choirs, cellos, sound ambience design, duduk, harp, the band… everything is getting together 🙂

Here goes another song title for you: Neverlight



With love, Tarja

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Mixing new album

Greetings from Texas!

I have been in USA for a week now and it has been very sad to see the recent happenings in Boston and Texas.

We have been working hard with Tim Palmer in the album mix. The songs sound truly amazing. Few of them are ready.


From now on I will start letting you know through this blog all song titles as well as other information and details of the new album.

We have decided together with my record company that the album name will be disclosed on May 6th. It will be announced in this web page while I am in Romania.

So as promised, here is the first song title: “500 letters”


With love, Tarja

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Lyrics video

Dear friends,


Greetings from sunny Austin, Texas. I arrived here yesterday after a veeeeeeery long journey. I am still fighting to get better from my illness and trying to think positive about what’s there to come.

We filmed a lyric video in Zlin, Czech Republic a week ago for the song Never Enough. I didn’t want to make a traditional, boring lyric video for the song, so I am going to appear on the video not just the lyrics of the song.

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Anyway, this video is not what we can call the official first music video from my new album, but just an improved version of a lyric video 🙂

The filming took only couple hours with Martin who worked also on directing my first solo live rock DVD Act I. You will get to see the video pretty soon.

At the moment we are hands on the last orchestra and choir arrangements with Jim Dooley. Everything sounds amazing and Jim is doing again a great job. The orchestra and choir on my albums are having big roles, so this part of the production is very important.

I am in Austin because of Tim Palmer. He has already started working on the mixes of the album and I am here to finalize them together with him in these next days. I am sure the album will sound great after Tim has done his magic. He worked with me on my last album already, so I know already how he works. It is exciting to think that the album is going to be ready in around 2 weeks from now. It has been a long, but very rewarding process again.

We are working at this right moment closely with the record company to decide when to announce the album name, album cover and track list.


With love, Tarja

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